New Technologies for Public Safety

CityGIS is market leader in The Netherlands and Belgium for mission critical software for police, fire and ambulance software systems in command centers, national servers and mobile systems, deployable for both critical and non-emergency work. Maintenance services also includes geospatial new technology, enhancing and updating (open source) routing maps with specific map layers for emergency navigation, including dynamic layers like temporary road blocks, closed bridges etc..

HTML internet technology can be used within the world of Public Safety, making it possible to connect anytime and anywhere to services needed. It is the next step after the old client-server model and makes it possible to scale dynamically and unlimited as needed. This new technology is still far from being widely used in the PSAP. CityGIS however, is an exception.

CityGIS has migrated all its products to this new technology of HTML5 and unlimited scalable services. The entire suite is now available in HTML5 technology:

  • Call taking and Dispatching (C&D)
  • PSAP GIS (Orca)
  • Navigation (NavX)

This approach offers a number of advantages:

  • No installation required on workstations.
  • Easily share a link to quickly scale up with others.
  • Horizontally scalable to unlimited numbers of users.
  • Stateless, enabling redundancy and scalability.
  • Easily add external parties (with authorization).
  • All management in one place, reducing management burden.
  • The solution is based on a shared operational image (COP) from the core.

In summary, CityGIS is one of the few PSAP software suppliers completely ready for the future, enabling customers to innovate and grow, expanding innovation to vehicle fleets and third parties.

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  • Control room

    Our control room products are designed to make the emergency process from caller to arrival on location as efficient as possible. All our developments are made with the same goal: gaining as much time as possible.

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  • Mobile

    Our mobile solutions provide as much support as possible on the route to the incident and on location. In addition, efficient communication with colleagues on the street and in the control room plays an important role.

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  • Infrastructure

    In addition to applications for end users, we have extensive and up-to-date knowledge in the design of control rooms and the national communication platforms. We offer extensive support in this area in both the Netherlands and Belgium.

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  • Cartography

    CityGIS has its own Cartographic department that provides the POS-specific basic map with the latest changes every day. All possible sources of information are used for this. With the CityGIS software you are always assured of the most up-to-date image.

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